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End Times Prophecies


1.       Re-gathering of Israel


2.       Rapture of believers:  I Cor. 15:51-58; I Thess. 4:13-18.


3.       Positioning of world leader (the Antichrist) at head of European confederacy: Dan. 7:7-8, 24; Rev. 13:1-8; 17:3, 12-13


4.       Signing of peace treaty/covenant between world leader and Israel: Dan. 9:27.


5.       A world church is established: Rev. 17:1-15.


6.       Russian military invades Israel and is destroyed by God: Ezek. 38-39. (Occurs about 3 years into Tribulation.)


7.       At midpoint of 7-year Tribulation:  Dan. 7:23; Rev. 13:5-8, 15-17; 17:16-17; Rev. 7:9-17; 13:15.

a.       Antichrist breaks peace treaty with Israel.

b.      Antichrist demands worship as God.

c.       Antichrist defiles Jerusalem temple.

d.      Antichrist persecutes Jews and Christians. 


 8.       Catastrophic divine judgments poured out on earth: Rev. 6-18.


9.       Armies of world gather for battle against Christ and are destroyed the length of Israel`s Armageddon valley: Dan. 11:40-45; Rev. 9:13-21; 16:12-16.


10.       Second coming of Christ Jesus: Matt. 24:27-31; Rev. 19:11-21.


11.       Satan is bound for 1,000 years: Rev. 20:1-3.


12.       Christ establishes His kingdom on earth (Rev. 20), by:

a.       Judging those on the planet (by how they treated His people): Ezek. 20:33-38; Matt. 25:31-46; Jude 14-15; Rev. 19:15-21, 20:1-4.

b.       Resurrecting Old Testament saints and Tribulation saints:  Dan. 12:2; Rev. 20:4.

c.       Accepting and gathering of His people, the Jews: Zech. 14; Ezek. 48.

d.       Reshaping geography and borders of the holy land: Zech. 14.

e.       Refreshing the land and entire earth: Zech. 14:8.

f.         Rebuilding Jerusalem: Ezek. 48.


13.       Rebellion at end of the Millennium: Rev. 20:7-10.


14.       Resurrection and judgment of the wicked and Satan, known as the Great White Throne Judgment: Rev. 20:11-15.


15.       Eternity begins, along with a new heaven, new earth, and new Jerusalem: Rev. 21-22.