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Daniel's prophecy of 70 weeks of years (490 years), and its breakdown.

The book of Daniel is like the hub of a large wheel, whose spokes extend out in all directions.  The prophecies found in Daniel set the framework for many other prophecies in both the major and minor prophets, as well as the book of Revelation. 

Daniel is also like a skeleton; on the prophecy of "70 weeks of years" hang the numerous prophecies which give specifics about events in their time.

This prophecy of 70 weeks of years explain WHY the Tribulation period, the time of horror immediately ahead of the human race, is exactly 7 years long and no longer. 

One way to think of this prophecy is a large stopwatch, on which is marked 490 years.  This clock stopped just 7 years short of the end of 490.  That last seven years will begin clicking off again with the signing of a peace treaty between the ruler of the revived Roman empire, lead by the Antichrist, and the state of Israel, lead by its false prophet.  That event starts the Tribulation period, limited in time by the remaining seven years in this prophecy.

Four Empires model (second model below)

These four empires are key to understanding the nature of the final world empire, the revived Roman empire.  Why?  Because the Antichrist's empire will be Roman, that is, located in the city of Rome, Italy, and it will have attributes of the mixed empire described by the statue's toes of iron and clay.  It is this empire that the "rock cut out without hands" will utterly destroy.  That "rock" is the Messiah, and His kingdom will arrive with His second coming (see other charts on Timetables page).

70 Weeks of Years Prophetic Framework



World Empires Framework