Biblical Prophecy and Our Times
Home Page

Useful Links

Whose Oracle to Trust

End Times Prophecies

Daniel's Prophetic Clock

Timetables in Prophecy

The USA in the End-Times

Impact of Nuclear War

Order of Events

Do You Know the Lord

Bibliography Page

Astrophysical Events

Additional End-Times Signs


What is in your future?  The future of the world?

Would you like to know more about what is ahead?

Numerous "prophets" want us to believe their latest oracle. 

But who can be trusted?




This site is being developed for the purpose of answering such questions as:

+  Whose prophecy can be trusted? 

+  What will happen to us?

+  What are the signs that a major global event is about to take place?

+  What can be done?

And most specifically,

+  Is your particular future written in stone, or can you change it?

Above is a solar flare captured on film by NASA. Read more below about the series of flares in 2003.




Useful Links:  links to some of the best prophecy sites on the internet, including those by Hal Lindsey, Jack , Ron Rhodes, and others.

"Whose Oracle to Trust?" -- On the criteria for prophetic authority, comparing the best estimates of various "prophets" with the 100 percent accuracy demanded of Jewish prophets.

End Time Prophecies: specific prophecies regarding the end times.

Daniel's Prophetic Clock:  God's time-table of events, Daniel's 70 weeks of years prophecy, the basic framework for future events relating to Israel, and thus the rest of the world. 

Timetables in Prophecy:  here is a collection of varioius charts and models relating to the sequence of events during the coming years, especially the Tribulation and Millennium.

The USA in end times prophecy:  Uses the work of Mark Hitchcock as he addresses the question of "Is America in Bible Prophecy?" (2002 book title).

Impact of Nuclear War:  devoted to a closer examination of the results of a nuclear exchange, a very probable outcome during the Tribulation period.

Order of Events:  examination of the sequence of events relating to three arenas, Israel, the Church, and the Nations; the work of Dr. John F. Walvoord, from his work, "The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook" (1990).

Do You Know the Lord?  Do you?  That question, above every other, is the one which will determine your personal future.  Give it some thought... check out this page before you leave.

Bibliography - Reading List:  A reading list is provided for people who wish to read further.

Why study prophecy?

Below is a collection of reasons drawn from the writings of John Hagee (Final Dawn Over Jerusalem, 1998), Hal Lindsey (program International Intelligence Briefing, TBN, 18Dec03) and elsewhere regarding the value of studying prophecy:


  1. Prophecy reveals the purposes of God.  (Hagee)


  1. Prophecy demonstrates God`s ability to know the future. (Hagee)


  1. Prophecy is absolutely accurate. This provides us with reliable information about the future.(Hagee)


  1. Prophecy validates the authority of God`s Word. Do you ever wonder whether Scripture can be trusted?  Past precision with regard to predicting future events lends great credibility to the Bible. (Hagee)


  1. Prophecy helps us shape political policy. If our world view is shaped by God's perspective, by His world view, then we are more able to make decisions based on His accurate assessment of issues, policies and the like. (Lindsey, in his weekly program International Intelligence Briefing) 


  1. A good portion of the Bible was prophetic when it was originally written.  "Of the 260 chapters in the entire New Testament, there are 318 references to the Second Coming, or one out of 30 verses." (Stargazer site, see links) This means that to study the Bible, and take it seriously, necessarily includes those portions which are or were prophetic.


  1. Prophecy encourages one to live enthusiastically for the Lord.  In There`s a New World Coming (1983), Lindsey describes this in these terms: the more one knows about God's future plans for the earth, ``the better and more enthusiastically he will be able to live in this world`` (p. 267).  I Thess. 4:13 and I Tim. 4:8 speak of hope, I Thess. 5:11 of encouragement and edifying others.


  1. Prophecy gives us patience in our trials.  Lindsey writes that ``knowing there IS a new world coming for God`s people gives us patience and strength to joyfully bear the burdens of this life`` (There`s a New World Coming, 1983, 279).

Site construction by Dan Fox, Ph.D.

I am a college professor on the West Coast of the U.S., who happens to be a believer in Jesus Christ and takes special note of fulfilled prophecy. 

My conviction:

This site was constructed with the conviction that (1) there are people currently searching for information about the near future, and (2) there will be people left behind after the Rapture of the church who will need Biblical information.

I am guessing that when that event occurs (the Rapture), such information will become increasingly hard to find, both on the internet and in bookstores. 

The dark forces of this world will be working overtime to prepare the way for a one-world government and its leader, which may take the form of blocking, eliminating or otherwise destroying Biblical truth. 

This campaign has already started.  Imagining what it will be like once God has let go His restraint on evil in the world... it is pretty sobering.

My email address


Spotlight: Recent Solar Flares

One of the scientists looking at the recent series of solar flares (Oct - Dec 2003) compared their probability to observing a snow storm in California in the summer, on the beach!  Look up this event on the web (there is a link provided below). 

The series of solar flares were significant enough that satelite systems were shut down so as to minimize potential damage.  Airline flights were kept at or below 30,000 feet in the effort to minimize radiation exposure to passengers.

The article about this particular flare read:

6 November 2003
Just as solar scientists were ready to start breathing normally again after the solar activity of October 2003, active region 10486 blasted off yet another mega-flare. This one saturated the X-ray detectors on the NOAA's GOES satellites on
4 November 2003.

This counts as a major astrophysical event!

What did Jesus Christ mean when he warned that there would be "great signs from heaven" before his second coming to the earth?

"There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars... for the heavenly bodies will be shaken" (Jesus Christ, Luke 21:26).

This, and other events like it, will be explored in this website.

ESA: European Space Agency article cited above