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This page contains:

Three sets of event charts, each listing the prophetic events in three main arenas, of Israel, of the Church, and of the Nations. 

These come from Dr. John F. Walvoord's work ``The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook`` (1990).

Predicted Order of Prophetic Events Related to Israel

(by Dr. John F. Walvoord, p. 382-383 in The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook, 1990, Scripture Press Publications.)


1.        The holocaust and suffering of Jews in Germany in World War II lead to worldwide sympathy for a homeland for the Jews.

2.        United Nations recognizes Israel as a nation and allows 5,000 square miles of territory, excluding ancient Jerusalem in 1948.

3.        Israel, though immediately attacked by those nations surrounding her, achieves increases in territory in subsequent wars.

4.        Though Russia at the beginning was sympathetic to Israel, the United States becomes her principal benefactor and supplier of military aid and money.

5.        Israel makes amazing strides forward in reestablishing her land, its agriculture, industries, and political power.

6.        In the series of military tests, Israel establishes that she has a superior army to that of surrounding nations.

7.        Arab power opposing Israel is sufficient to keep Israel from having peaceful coexistence with other nations in the Middle East.

8.        Israel continues in the state of confusion and conflict until the church is raptured.

9.        With the formation of the ten-nation confederacy by the Gentile ruler in the Middle East, Israel is forced to accept a seven-year peace settlement.

10.    The world and the Jewish people celebrate what appears to be a permanent peace settlement in the Middle East.

11.    Israel prospers and many return to Israel after the peace is settled.

12.    Toward the close of the three-and-a-half years of peace, Russia accompanied by several other nations attempts to invade Israel but is destroyed by a series of judgments from God.

13.    After three-and-a-half years of peace, the covenant is broken and the Middle East ruler becomes a world dictator and a principal persecutor of Israel.

14.    The world dictator desecrates the temple of Israel and sets up an idol of himself to be worshiped.

15.    Worldwide persecution of the Jews begins, and in the land two out of three perish.

16.    A Jewish remnant emerges who puts their trust in Christ.

17.    Though the world ruler massacres both Jews and Gentiles who fail to worship him as God, some survive from both Jews and Gentiles and are rescued by Christ.

18.    The second coming of Christ rescuing persecuted Jews and Gentiles and bringing judgment upon all wickedness in the world and unbelievers.

19.    The promised kingdom on earth with Jesus as Israel`s Messiah and David as her regent prince begins with godly Israel being regathered from all over the world to inhabit her Promised Land.

20.    For 1,000 years Israel experiences unusual blessing as the object of Christ`s favor.

21.    With the end of the millennial kingdom and the destruction of the present earth, godly Israel has its place in the eternal state and the new heaven and the new earth.

22.    Those among Israel who are saved are placed in the New Jerusalem in the new earth.


Present situation:  we are at item 8 at this point (2004).



Predicted Order of Prophetic Events Related to the Church

(by Dr. John F. Walvoord, p. 422 in The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook, 1990, Scripture Press Publications.)


1.       Rise of liberalism and rejection of fundamental biblical doctrines permeate the professing church.

2.       The rise of Communism and atheism as major opponents of Christianity.

3.       The ecumenical movement promoting a world church organized in 1948.

4.       Increased moral chaos resulting from departure from biblical doctrines.

5.       Increasing evidence of spiritism, the occult, and Satan worship.

6.       The Rapture of the church.

7.       Lifting of the restraint of sin by the Holy Spirit.

8.       Super church movement gains power and forms a world church.

9.       World church works with the Antichrist to secure world domination.

10.   Super church is destroyed by the ten kings supporting the Antichrist to pave the way for worship of the world ruler as God.

11.   Those who have come to believe in Christ as Savior since the Rapture suffer persecution because they refuse to worship the world ruler.

12.   Second coming of Christ occurs, and remaining Christians in the world are rescued and enter the millennial kingdom.

13.   After the Millennium the church is placed in the New Jerusalem in the new earth.


Present situation:  we are at item 5 now (2004).



Predicted Order of Prophetic Events Related to the Nations

(by Dr. John F. Walvoord, p. 400-401 in The Prophecy Knowledge Handbook, 1990, Scripture Press Publications.)


1.       United Nations organized as first step toward world government in 1946.

2.       Israel is formed as a recognized nation in 1948.

3.       Europe is rebuilt after World War II, setting stage for its role in future revival of Roman Empire.

4.       The rise of Russia as a world military and political power.

5.       World movements such as the Common Market and the World Bank set the stage for future political and financial events.

6.       Red China becomes a military power.

7.       The Middle East and the nation of Israel become the focus of worldwide tension.

8.       The Arab oil embargo in 1973 results in world recognition of the power of wealth and energy in the Middle East.

9.       Lack of a powerful political leader prevents the Middle East from organizing as a political power.

10.   The Rapture of the church removes a major deterrent to expansion of political and financial power of the Mediterranean world.

11.   The rise of a new leader in the Middle East who later is identified as the Antichrist who secures power over first three, and then all ten nations, uniting them in a Mediterranean confederacy.

12.   The new Mediterranean leader imposes a peace settlement for seven years on Israel.

13.   Russian army accompanied by several other nations invades Israel and is destroyed by judgments from God.

14.   Peace settlement in the Middle East is broken after three-and-a-half years.

15.   Middle East rules as the Antichrist becomes a world dictator.

16.   Middle East ruler claims to be God and demands that all worship him at the pain of death.

17.   Middle East dictator defiles the temple in Jerusalem.

18.   The beginning of the terrible judgments of the Great Tribulation described in the seals, trumpets, and bowls of the wrath of God in the Book of Revelation.

19.   Worldwide discontent at the rule of the Middle East ruler resulting from many catastrophes causing rebellion and gathering of the world`s armies in the Middle East to fight it out with Armageddon as the center of the conflict.

20.   Second coming of Christ occurs accompanied by the armies from heaven.

21.   The armies of the world attempt to fight the armies from heaven but are totally destroyed.

22.   Christ`s millennial reign is established, climaxing judgments on all the unsaved and the final disposition of Gentile political power.

23.   Those save from both Jews and Gentiles are placed in the New Jerusalem in the earth where they will spend eternity.


Present situation:  we are at item 9 at this point (2004).