Timetables in Prophecy
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This page contains various charts and timetables for end-time events.

These charts fit together at different points.  Some fit within others; in certain cases, a chart is actually a "blowup" of a portion within another chart.

I will be working on short summaries and explanations for each chart (just above each).

Various governments or dispensations throughout history.

A dispensation is one way of thinking of a system of government, in this case, God's governing of the world.  A dispensation is period of time in history during which God ruled by a certain set of principles.  His standards for morality and righteousness never changed, but the way He relates to the world did.  Consider the following contrasting examples:  His way of dealing with the world during Israel's time was to bring to light His saving faith through Israel, usually through her prophets, priests, and spiritual leaders, whereas His way of dealing with the world during the church period is through believers in the church who use the written Word, the Bible.

Overview of End Times


Sequence of judgments during Tribulation period.

Order of Judgments (similar to model above)


Location of Revelation chapters in dispensation timeline

Detailed view of Tribulation: First 3 & one half years


Detailed view of Tribulation: Last 3 & one half years
